Laura came in to Afrodita with medium-length hair. Her request was to go shorter and end up with an asymmetrical bob.

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The hair in the back was long and full, but there was a lot of it and not a lot of style. They decided quite a bit should be trimmed off take make it more manageable. Along with this, the locks on the sides were trimmed up to take away some wisps.

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Yoshiko tamed Laura’s hair, and by cutting it short some of the waviness of the hair was removed. Laura now has short fringe with a nice, clean look.

When Gemma came in, she was unhappy with the results of a previous coloring she did herself. She said the ashy blonde color was too ashy, and that she wanted something color to her natural color.

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Yoshiko applied coloring with warmer tones to get the natural effect desired. A similar demi color was applied, and the result can be seen here.

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When Gemma left Afrodita her locks were a darker color that give off a more natural appearance. We think that if someone ran into Gemma, they would not know she had colored her hair.

Angel asks Yoshiko to work her magic…

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Neringa came into Afrodita as a blonde…. Read more

Jennifer came in with a simple request: add some red streaks to her locks. Yoshiko suggested adding vivid red strands, but without dominating her existing hair color. The result is color that accents her naturally dark hair.


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